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LED diagnosis, large circuit boards, wide traces/pads, and step-by-step pictures make this the easiest double conversion receiver you will ever put together. For more information read. On Tuesday, July 7th I organized a breakout session Tackling Climate Change at a virtual useR!2020 Munich. When I submitted the proposal I hoped the session will be a mix of an invited talk, climate-related contributions submitted to the useR! And an open discussion between R users and researchers. Amministrazione, Ufficio I. Ricorso al TAR per la Lombardia NOTO FEDERICA c/MI (R.G.1534/2020). Motivi aggiunti Ordinanza presidenziale TAR per la.

I’ve decided to write a post about a solution to a problem I’ve been dealing with, pretty much since I started using R to make nice graphics 5+ years ago. Many times while exploring datasets, I’d want to make many similar plots (such as xy scatterplots) but with different variables for the x and y axes. This was all fine and well, but when It came time to annotate the graph with legends, text, etc., I would have to manual adjust the positions for the legend and text for each plot so that it wouldn’t cover up the data, the text would always plot in the upper left corner, etc.

I’ve always known about the “usr” parameter in the par() function (I even used it once in the a previous post about plotting dates along the x-axis), but I never really investigated it fully. Well, recently I had to make many xy scatterplots, and wanted to add a legend in the same location for each plot. A prefect application for “usr”!

For this example I will show my solution to always having the legend in the lower right corner (since I knew ahead of time the data would not fall in that region). For a full explanation of the par()“usr” parameter and par() function in general, check out the ?par() next time you are in R. I’m sure there are many different applications!

I first will create some fake data so that I can make a xy scatterplot and plot it up. Next, I’ll use the par('usr') to get the range of the x and y axes in the plot. Then I will treat the legend as a variable to access the properties of the legend object (namely the width and the height of the legend rectangle). Finally, I will anchor the legend in the lower right corner of the plot using information from the 'lgd' variable and par('usr')!:

This has turned out to be a huge time saver, especially when I need to produce lots of quick plots with lots of different data!

“Automated” placement of the legend exactly in the lower right corner.


Our aim is to create scholars who will be able to integrate the essence of all religion, and allow the individual to see the essential unity in all religions and work to manifest that unity.

Swami Sri Atmananda

The University of Spiritual Research is a 501c3 non-profit organization based in Napa, California. It was founded in 2004, inspired by the guidance of Swami Sri Atmananda.

At present, University of Spiritual Research (USR) offers online courses on the major religions and spiritual traditions of the world. The principal objective of USR is to promote universal peace and harmony by disseminating the wisdom and unity of all religions. USR’s purpose is to “enable man to integrate with the aspiration of mankind, to help man to transcend religion and be a part of a new, emerging spiritual culture,” says Swami Sri Atmananda.

Toward that goal, USR’s principal activity is providing spiritual education. Its initial work is to establish faculties and develop coursework for the world’s primary religions, including but not limited to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam, to demonstrate their unity and amplify their eternal wisdom.

USR was also created to help people learn to go beyond life’s details and worries, and to expand their awareness of their divinity, thereby promoting peace and harmony on an individual level and in society overall. In the words of Swami Sri Atmananda:

Religion has given a meaning to human civilization; religion has given a shape to human imagination; religion has shown a goal to human aspiration. These are the three most important contributing factors of religion to man’s evolution on earth. It is religion only that gave the vision to man to live for the highest ideal. It is religion only that gave concrete support to shape this vision, how to manifest the highest ideal, how to live for the highest truths. Finally, it is religion that has kindled the aspiration of man to manifest something beyond religion.

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Without spending the whole life on mastering one religion, USR will create facilities and infrastructure so that any aspiring individual can get the essence of all religions in a short time. That is the grounding. Only when man is able to have the essence of all religion, man will be able to see the unifying force of religion, the unity in diversity.

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That is why the name of our university is Spiritual Research. It is not the university of religious studies. Any work USR will do will not promote any religion. It is simply integrating the essence of religion, so that, standing on the foundation of religion, man can transcend religion. This is the vision with which USR is created.