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Updates the 'usr' coordinates in the current plot.

For a traditional graphics plot this function will update the 'usr' coordinates by transforming a pair of points from the current usr coordinates to those specified.

aplot , dplot

Updates the 'usr' coordinates in the current plot. For a traditional graphics plot this function will update the 'usr' coordinates by transforming a pair of points from the current usr coordinates to those specified. (2) -R means recursive, which means that you altered the permissions of not only /usr itself but every file and every directory in /usr. The URS/PEHP offices in Salt Lake City and St. George are closed to visitors. Call us at 801-366-7700 during regular business hours. Log in to myURS to manage your URS benefits or use our Message Center. Contact Details Phone: +972 (4) 9904000 Address: 19 Napach St. Industrial Park Karmiel 2165372 Israel.


R.O.; size of default character (width, height) in ‘rasters’ (pixels). Some devices have no concept of pixels and so assume an arbitrary pixel size, usually 1/72 inch. Some devices have no concept of pixels and so assume an arbitrary pixel size, usually 1/72 inch.

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The x-coords of 2 points in the current 'usr' coordianates, or anything that can be passed to xy.coords.

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The y-coords of 2 points in the current 'usr' coordinates, or an object representing the points in the new 'usr' coordinates.


The x-coords for the 2 points in the new coordinates.


The y-coords for the 2 points in the new coordinates.


Sometimes graphs (in the traditional graphing scheme) end up with usr coordinates different from expected for adding to the plot (for example barplot does not center the bars at integers). This function will take 2 points in the current 'usr' coordinates and the desired 'usr' coordinates of the 2 points and transform the user coordinates to make this happen. The updating only shifts and scales the coordinates, it does not do any rotation or warping transforms.

If x1 and y1 are lists or matricies and x2 and y2 are not specified, then x1 is taken to be the coordinates in the current system and y1 is the coordinates in the new system.


Currently you need to give the function exactly 2 points in each system. The 2 points cannot have the same x values or y values in either system.


An invisible list with the previous 'usr' coordinates from par.


Currently you need to give coordinates for exactly 2 points without missing values. Future versions of the function will allow missing values or multiple points.

See Also

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  • updateusr

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Documentation reproduced from package TeachingDemos, version 2.12, License: Artistic-2.0

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